Thursday, November 27, 2014

Waking up to a new adventure...

Waking up to a new adventure...

Different people to see at the same job...
Different topics to share with the same people...
Different food to eat at the same lunch hour...
Different thoughts in the same brain...
Unexpected challenges and laughter... 
Untold stories to be revealed...
An adventure awaits...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Colorless Universe

The universe has no color.

Objects emit, deflect, absorb and reflect electromagnetic waves in various wavelengths.

My brain then codes the electromagnetic waves into different colors and modifies it*, to create a picture that easier for me to understand  the external world.

My the illusion feels so right and real, more real than reality even it misses more than it catches.

How can it be wrong when it feels so right?

*Note: To be precise, color is not a direct conversion of wavelengths in neurosciences.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Strong Like an Ocean

Accepting the things I cannot change.
Accepting the things I chose not to change, (after assessment of the resources I need to put in to make change, the odds of

the worst scenario may happen and the impact how it may affect my life, if my worry happens), because my valuable resources

could be better used for other things.
Accepting the things I fail to change, after I have done my best.

Signs and symptoms:
If I am fighting, I haven't accepted it.
If it creeps into my mind, when I am in bed or other times, I haven't accepted it.
If I am still asking "why this happens to me" or "why did he do that", I haven't accepted it.

Accepting is to start living the life like the worst scenario has happened. Sounds depressing and negative...

What's next, after accepting?
In the worse case scenario that will happen, make the most of what I still have to enrich my life and move on.

Move on. Life won't move on without first accepting.

Accepting things requires extraordinary strength. Accepting things make us stronger, strong like an ocean that can take all the river infusion without being disturbed.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Free Radicals V.S. Anti-Oxidants

About "Free Radicals" and anti-oxidant vitamins.

When thinking about anti-oxidation vitamins, people think of A, C and E.

When thinking about "free radicals", people think of criminals that disrupt the harmony of our health and are responsible for cancer, aging and many degenerative diseases.

When thinking about "anti-oxidants", the agent that clears the "free radicals" in the body, people see superman cruising in the sky keeping the world in peace.

If you think the same, read this...